Sunday, 30 March 2008

Qxd4 in the Sicilian

I Have played this line quite a few times over the years, and I find it truly astonishing how many players as black make the error of playing e7-e5 a few moves later. I have won most of the games I have played as white when black has made that error, and have it off as a bit of a "party-piece". Here is an example from over 20 years ago:


Francis said...

nicely done..
love the pressure on the d file being decicive..
will borrow the ideas from the game..
thanks and good luck with the postings

Francis said...

have added your blog and site to my favourites on my blog

hope u dont mind..
am offline for a couple of days cos my nets down
regards francis.

Francis said...

as promised I did borrow some ideas from this game in my county match last Tuesday ...
I have attached a link to this game and credited you with the background info..
hope u don't mind